22 March, 2011

Taking the Bull by the Horns

Well, the consulate may have thwarted my efforts at contacting them (at least for today), but I finally--FINALLY--managed to do something productive that DIDN'T involve sending documents to the Spanish consulate: I RAN!

I am in the middle of a challenge against my wife whereby the person who works out the most while I'm stuck in the United States waiting desperately for a visa from the Spanish kingdom wins a t-shirt from Kukuxumusu. Kukuxumusu is a really sweet company that prints t-shirts with odd, sometimes off-color designs on them. The word itself means "kiss of the flea" in the Basque language; I'll let you do the research on where that all came from.

I have quite a lot of ground to make up--at the moment, I am 11 kilometers down in the challenge. But, I also have quite a bit more time on my hands than my wife thanks to the diligence of the consulate workers. And now that the various visits have been all but completed, I am going to settle down to work on figuring out what I want to be when I grow up. And, more importantly, how to make money at it.

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